In Geometry Number 5 is represented as the Pentagram or 5-Pointed Star. All segments and intersections of this shape are fully encoded by Phi ratios and the Golden Proportion, the Universal Principle of Harmony present in ALL Nature.
“The Pentacle is the Code Of Life, since all proteins in the human body are Pent-shaped, and basically every cell in our body is based on 1 of the 5 Platonic Solids, there is no doubt that the 5 Pointed Star is perhaps the most anointed shape that exists, and it is time that our children learn that it has nothing to do with the devil, it is time to take control of our education, time to embed this ancient wisdom into our Heart and Consciousness, to become it, live it, breathe it, not just read or research about it.This is true Empowerment, bringing the Outer towards the Inner, which is the definitive meaning of Fractal, when the Inside is the same as the Outside!” – Jain 108

“The quality of five is magical. Children instinctively draw fivefold stars, and we all sense its phizzy, energetic quality.
Five marries male and female—as two and three in some cultures, or three and two in others— and so is the universal number of reproduction and biological life. It is also the number of water, every molecule of which is a corner of a pentagon.
…Fives are found in apples, flowers, hands and feet. Our nearest planet, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, draws a lovely fivefold pattern about earth as she swirls around the sun”
– Miranda Lundy
Every 8 years Venus completes 13 orbits around the Sun. During these 8 years Earth and Venus meet for 5 times to create a 5-Pointed Star around our sun, revealing a perfect musical relationship between both planets: 5:8:13
This process is orchestrated and driven by the same harmonics that govern and permeate ALL LIFE and the entire fabric of TIME-SPACE: We are referring to the mathematics of the Golden Mean and the Fibonacci Spiral… We can describe this principle as the “LOVE INTELLIGENCE.” This reflects the perfect balance between ART and NUMBER (HEART and MIND) that engenders the organic processes of growth in Nature…

Studying Venus movements and patterns can help us understand our own genetic code. How is this? As the DNA and the Venus-Earth rose pattern are both FRACTAL expressions of the Golden Proportion and the PENTAGONAL ARCHITECTURE , we can now compare and overlay these sacred patterns and find their similarities and differences. In this way comprehend and “inner-stand” how Nature operates from the Macro-Scale (the cycles of Venus and Earth around the Sun) to the Micro-Scale (the invisible thread of LIFE woven into our DNA).
When we overlay the ROSE pattern that Earth and Venus create every 8 YEARS as they dance around the Sun over a photograph of a DNA transversal section, the similarities create an almost PERFECT MATCH!

This fractal pattern present in Nature at the macro and micro-cosmic levels can now interpreted as a DIVINE TEMPLATE OF CREATION that can now be explored as a fractal structural model to track the cycles of Venus. How is this?
“The Pentacle is the Code Of Life, since all proteins in the human body are Pent-shaped, and basically every cell in our body is based on 1 of the 5 Platonic Solids, there is no doubt that the 5 Pointed Star is perhaps the most anointed shape that exists, and it is time that our children learnt that it has nothing to do with the devil, it is time to take control of our education, time to embed this ancient wisdom into our Heart and Consciousness, to become it, live it, breathe it, not just read or research about it.This is true Empowerment, bringing the Outer towards the Inner, which is the definitive meaning of Fractal, when the Inside is the same as the Outside!” – Jain 108

★ The Venus Star Matrix allows us to map on this template both the 5 INTERIOR CONJUNCTIONS and the 5 EXTERIOR CONJUNCTIONS that take place during ONE Pentagonal Cycle.
★ The 5 INTERIOR CONJUNCTIONS precede the cycle of Venus as Morning Star, while the 5 EXTERIOR CONJUNCTIONS precede the cycle of Venus as the Evening Star. We can appreciate the DAY/NIGHT polarity aspect present in these 2 cycles but at a much larger scale: Venus Morning and Evening cycles have an average of 260 days, therefore, the Tzolkin is the perfect yardstick to measure this cycle and appreciate the how the cycles interact.
★ We can also appreciate how the DNA structural pattern of 2 interlaced pentagonal shapes can be transferred to our Venus chronograph to reveal the symmetry and precision of both templates.

As our brightest star closed last June 2nd, 2020 (KIN 65) the 5th stage of her journey around the Sun to complete the 5-Star Pentagram of Resurrection that both Earth and Venus create around the sun every 8 years, we are finding new ways of mapping our evolutionary path and the cycles of time.
The VENUS PENTAGRAM STAR MATRIX is a fractal chronograph designed to track the 5 STAGES of CREATION of the Venus+Earth Star Pentagram during their 40-YEAR and 8-YEAR cycles.
★ The Venus Star Matrix is comprised of 5 concentric rings divided in 584 units, measuring the (average) interval between conjunctions.
★ The 5th central ring at the CORE/HEART of the pentagram corresponds to the 5th and final stage of the 8-year cycle.
★ Since this 5-STAGE cycle is ruled by the Golden Proportion, to re-establish the memory of this cycle is to re-establish our connection to HARMONY.

It is then of compounding harmonic significance that this transition between the completion of the 2012-2020 Star Pentagram and the start of a NEW one (2020-2028) is enshrined by a Five-fold presence of Number 5. How is this?
★ The 2nd Pentagonal Cycle of these series started on the 5th Day of this Crystal Moon on KIN 66 1Worldbridger
★ Kin 65 13 Serpent signaled the last day of the 5th Synodic cycle of the 5-Pointed Star comprised between 2012 and 2020. It signaled also the last day of the first pentagonal cycle out of 5 comprised between the years 2012 and 2052
★ Kin 65 13 Serpent is coded by the 5th solar seal of the Tzolkin
★ Kin 65 13 Serpent is the last day of the 5th cycle of 13 DAYS of the Tzolkin Matrix
★ Kin 65 13 Serpent represents the Cosmic Cyclical Power of Time (13) informed by the frequency of LIFE (5) and moved by the power of the 5th Force.
What is the Fifth Force?
“Contemporary science describes four major forces in the universe: strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational. The Fifth Force, then, is the one that binds them all together, it is the synchronic G-Force, sometimes called the ether, or akasha. It is the force which synchronizes the universe!” – Jose Arguelles
The advanced Maya Vigesimal system of the LONG COUNT is ALSO based on a 5-positional marker framework corresponding to the 5 different levels of cycles measured by the Maya:
★ 1st Order: Kin (1 day)
★ 2nd Order: Uinal (20 days)
★ 3rd Order: Tun (360 days)
★ 4th Order: Katun (7200 days)
★ 5th Order (144.000 days)
The Aztec Sunstune concentric artwork also displays astounding similarities with Venus and Earth resonance pattern.