“We must measure what is measurable and we must make measurable what is unmeasurable. – Galileo Galilei

RE-discover Venus + Earth RELATIONSHIPS


What can we learn from Venus and Earth relationships across the fabric of TIME and SPACE?  We invite you to attune back to the harmony of the cycles of the Moon, Venus and Earth.



The Golden Proportion

“The Golden Proportion is the key to a fuller understanding of phenomenal unfolding – for it manifests in organic forms such as seashells and pinecones, as well as our own DNA. The involuting spiral of consciousness – the unfolding of the spiritual flower – this is what the Golden Proportion describes.” – John Major Jenkins

Every 8 years Venus completes 13 orbits around the Sun. During these 8 years Earth and Venus meet for five times to create a 5-Pointed Star around our sun, revealing a perfect musical relationship between both planets:


This process is orchestrated and driven by the same harmonics that govern and permeate ALL LIFE and the entire fabric of TIME-SPACE: We are referring to the mathematics of the Golden Mean and the Fibonacci Spiral… We can describe this principle as the “LOVE INTELLIGENCE.” This reflects the perfect balance between ART and NUMBER (HEART and MIND) that engenders the organic processes of growth in Nature…

Given the harmonic relationships in size, distance to the Sun and orbital periodicity, Venus, our closest neighbor and brightest star in the sky, is often considered Earth’s TWIN PLANET.




Venus Cycles were carefully tracked not only by the Maya but by many other ancient cultures since the beginning of time. Why? With no GPS, no satellites or no telescopes at the time, it was necessary to carefully observe, track, and understand the larger patterns and cycles in Nature. Studying the movements of our brightest stars to use them as celestial markers in the sky, became a method of orientation to navigate the Earth by land and sea during times of climate-change and migrations. Now we can track these movements to also navigate the Ocean of Time.

The ancient skywatchers noticed that every 8 years Venus completes 13 orbits around the Sun. During these 8 years Earth and Venus meet for five times to create a 5-Pointed Star around our closest star, revealing a perfect musical relationship between both planets: 5:8:13

This process is orchestrated and driven by the same harmonics that govern and permeate ALL LIFE and the entire fabric of TIME-SPACE, including our own DNA. We are referring here to the mathematics present in the Golden Proportion and the Fibonacci Spiral… We can describe this principle as the “LOVE INTELLIGENCE” in action. The innate balancing principle between ART and NUMBER (HEART and MIND) that engenders the organic processes of growth in Nature… The Cosmic Life Force of Creation.

We are now closing the 8-Year Pentagonal Cycle of Venus that goes from 2012 to 2020 and starting a NEW 8-Year Pentagonal Cycle that goes from 2020 to 2028. This is therefore a great opportunity to dive into the ocean of Time and navigate through these cycles and celestial star-gates with renewed awareness.


The year 2020 marks the completion of this first NEW EARTH-VENUS PENTAGONAL CYCLE of 8 YEARS that ended-started with the rare Venus transit of June 5-6, 2012. This 2012-2020 cycle is closing TODAY June 2, 2020 (NS1.32.12.4 KIN 65 13Serpent, as we are publishing this article and launching this website.


The Venus-Earth internal conjunction of June 3, 2020 (NS1.32.12.5 Kin 66 1World Bridger) will therefore mark the START of the 2020-2028 NEW Earth-Venus Pentagonal Cycle.




The third brightest celestial body after the Sun and the Moon has been also called Earth’s twin sister planet because:


★ Venus is the closest planet to Earth.


★ Venus is the closest to the same size as the Earth than any other planet.


★ Venus appears to be near the same age as Earth.


★ Venus has a similar density and chemical composition.


★ Even the astronomical symbols for Earth and Venus hold evident similarities:

>> Earth is represented by a circle divided in 4 by an inscribed cross

>> Venus is represented as an empty circle with the cross appearing below. Some say that this symbol is an iconic representation of a MIRROR.

Venus serves as a MIRROR to Earth as demonstrated in the harmonic cyclical relationships between both planets:

★ Earth rotates East to West. Venus rotates West to East


★ 1 DAY on Earth is shorter than 1 YEAR. In Venus, 1 DAY is longer than 1 YEAR (orbit).


In other words: it takes longer for Venus to complete 1 ROTATION on its axis than to complete 1 ORBIT around the Sun


★ Earth completes 365 ROTATIONS in 1 YEAR while Venus completes 1 FULL ROTATION every 243 days, and 243 days correspond to two thirds of 365 days. In other words:


6 YEARS on EARTH correspond roughly to 9 DAYS in Venus.


This is because:

365 days x 6 = 2190 days
243 days x 9 = 2187 days


Here we can appreciate again the mirror game between the cycles of both planets: 6 years elapsed every 9 days in Venus. 6:9


★ In 243 YEARS Venus complete 365 ROTATIONS and 243 years is the span of 1 FULL VENUS TRANSIT CYCLE. This is the interval it takes for Venus transits over the Sun to take place on the same area of the sky as seen from Earth!


★ The pentagonal cycles that we are now closing (2012-2020) and opening (2020-2028) are a reflection of this larger cyclical pattern and serve also as mirrors of each other. They hold polar opposite aspects of a LARGER HOLOGRAM. We will explore here in detail their complimentary twin nature.


★ The Venus transit of June 5-6, 2012 (noted as 6.5 – 6.6) marked the END of the 2004-2012 Pentagonal cycle, and the START of the 2012-2020 pentagonal cycle. 8 YEARS from this threshold, the Pentagonal cycle is closing and ending PRECISELY on this KIN 65-66 transition window. 6.5-6.6 : 65-66





What makes the END-START of this NEW cycle relevant? The significance of this cycle is multi-dimensional and is highlighted at this time by several coalescing factors:

★ It is ending-starting at a time when a large percentage of human population is enduring the effects of quarentine. This quarantine is allowing LIFE on Earth to have a brief pause from human activities.

★ This is a time of unprecedented uncertainty about the future.

★ Many are seeing the chaotic events transpiring across the planet in 2020 as prophetic in Nature.

★ These events are bringing “End Times” scripts and narratives from 2012 back to the surface of our consciousness.

★ Within the biblical script, Venus plays a central role as the Morning Star.

★ During this time we are witnessing unprecedented levels of polarity on Earth. This condition is specially evidenced now by the events transpiring during the past week in the US.

★ Considering their rare and close occurrence in time, the Venus Transit of 2012 and the “Galactic Alignment” of Earth with the Sun and the “Dark Rift” at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy on the Winter/Summer Solstice of December 21, 2012 on the Maya Long Count marker are the 2 most significant time markers of the 21st century, and probably the entire 3rd millenium. These two rare celestial alignments signaled in SPACE the closing of the 13-Baktun cycle of the Maya Long Count in TIME.


★ The year 2020 corresponds to a threshold of decisive evolutionary significance: A TIME node intersection only comparable to the 2012 event Horizon. 


The third brightest celestial body after the Sun and the Moon has been also called Earth’s twin sister planet because:


★ Venus is the closest planet to Earth.


★ Venus is the closest to the same size as the Earth than any other planet.


★ Venus appears to be near the same age as Earth.


★ Venus has a similar density and chemical composition.


★ Even the astronomical symbols for Earth and Venus hold evident similarities:

>> Earth is represented by a circle divided in 4 by an inscribed cross

>> Venus is represented as an empty circle with the cross appearing below. Some say that this symbol is an iconic representation of a MIRROR.

Venus serves as a MIRROR to Earth as demonstrated in the harmonic cyclical relationships between both planets:

★ Earth rotates East to West. Venus rotates West to East


★ 1 DAY on Earth is shorter than 1 YEAR. In Venus, 1 DAY is longer than 1 YEAR (orbit).


In other words: it takes longer for Venus to complete 1 ROTATION on its axis than to complete 1 ORBIT around the Sun


★ Earth completes 365 ROTATIONS in 1 YEAR while Venus completes 1 FULL ROTATION every 243 days, and 243 days correspond to two thirds of 365 days. In other words:


6 YEARS on EARTH correspond roughly to 9 DAYS in Venus.


This is because:

365 days x 6 = 2190 days
243 days x 9 = 2187 days


Here we can appreciate again the mirror game between the cycles of both planets: 6 years elapsed every 9 days in Venus. 6:9


★ In 243 YEARS Venus complete 365 ROTATIONS and 243 years is the span of 1 FULL VENUS TRANSIT CYCLE. This is the interval it takes for Venus transits over the Sun to take place on the same area of the sky as seen from Earth!


★ The pentagonal cycles that we are now closing (2012-2020) and opening (2020-2028) are a reflection of this larger cyclical pattern and serve also as mirrors of each other. They hold polar opposite aspects of a LARGER HOLOGRAM. We will explore here in detail their complimentary twin nature.


★ The Venus transit of June 5-6, 2012 (noted as 6.5 – 6.6) marked the END of the 2004-2012 Pentagonal cycle, and the START of the 2012-2020 pentagonal cycle. 8 YEARS from this threshold, the Pentagonal cycle is closing and ending PRECISELY on this KIN 65-66 transition window. 6.5-6.6 : 65-66




With so much confusion and chaos transpiring around our planet now, it is wise to save some time to focus our attention in the sacred harmony, elegance and beauty of the movements of our HOME planet in relationship to our TWIN Planet and brightest Star in the night sky. By shifting our focus of attention from chaos to harmony, and seeing the world from this Higher Perspective, we are building a coherent mental field of harmony around the Earth. When our brains/bodies/cells entrain with this UNIVERSAL PATTERN coming together then our thought-forms / mental waves entrain in TIME with the Sacred proportions and ratios we can see present in ALL NATURE and also present in the FABRIC of TIME. This process is also known as the “telepathic reconstitution of reality”…

We hope you enjoy this evolving journey back to Harmony with the stars and the Cosmos!

May Peace, Harmony and Beauty prevail on Earth!











Our aim was to launch during this 2-day window a new website as a NEW HOME to keep record of the movements of Venus, but severe power outages due to incessant rain made this goal unattainable now. We will be adding content throughout the coming days and hope to have a FULL beta version of the website synchronized the heliacal rising of Venus as Morning Star next June 10, 2020 (NS1.32.12.12) KIN 73 8 Skywalker. In the meanwhile, we still invite you to sign up for NEW BLOG updates.

7 + 1 =



Home of the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar Awareness Campaign. This sister site is an ongoing Educational Program that started in 2016 with the purpose of contributing to the restoration of Harmony and Peace on Earth via the practical application of this new timing system. The 13 Month-28 Day calendar is based on the accurate measure of our biological cycles and the astronomical cycles of the Earth and the Moon. 


Learn the truth about or current civil calendar and get to know how its use has affected the way we think, feel and behave and disconnected from our organic relationship with TIME.


There is an underlying harmonic pattern behind all Creation. The Harmonic Factor is the elegant mathematical principle operating as the orchestrating intellligence behind the fabric of SPACE, LIFE AND… TIME!!! On this NEW coming website we will explore the SPIRAL movement of TIME and the synchronization of multiple systems and calendars. Stay tuned!